Professional Bio


Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Chicago (2022)
M.A., Social Sciences, University of Chicago (2013)
B.A. Anthropology, Summa cum Laude, Universidad Central de Venezuela (2011)

Full CV

I was born and raised in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Boston University. My work traces the conditions under which Indigenous actors productively engage with wind energy infrastructures and generate decolonial frameworks for climate justice, while also experiencing new forms of dispossession and eco-social dislocations. I approach green economies as sites of struggle where global discourses about climate change and decarbonization exists in uneasy tension with Indigenous cultural, political, and ontological worlds that refuse capitalist extraction. My ethnographic projects integrate environmental and political anthropology, science and technology studies, political ecology, and critical Indigenous studies, and have a regional focus on Latin America

My academic writing has appeared in American Ethnologist, Economic Anthropology, Journal of Political Ecology, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Anthropology News, Istor, and other publications. My research has been supported by the Social Science Research Council, the Wenner-Gren, Tinker, and Mellon Foundations, the University of Chicago’s Center for International Social Science Research, and the Pozen Center for Human Rights, among others. Before joining Boston University in 2024, I was an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Colorado College.

In 2022, I was the recipient of the Anthropology & Environment McCay Junior Scholar Award from the American Anthropological Association